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Stunning Companion Plants For Delphiniums

Stunning Companion Plants for Delphiniums

Delphiniums are a stunning addition to any garden, but they can be a bit finicky to grow. One way to make sure your delphiniums thrive is to plant them with companion plants that will help them to grow and bloom their best.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best companion plants for delphiniums. We will also provide tips on how to plant and care for these plants together.

What are Companion Plants?

Companion planting is a gardening practice that involves planting certain plants together in order to create a mutually beneficial relationship. Companion plants can help each other to grow better by providing shade, nutrients, or pest control.

Why Plant Companion Plants with Delphiniums?

Delphiniums are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases, so companion planting can help to protect them from these problems. Companion plants can also help to improve the drainage and soil quality around delphiniums, which can lead to healthier plants.

What are Some Good Companion Plants for Delphiniums?

There are many different companion plants that can be planted with delphiniums. Some of the best options include:

  • Tall grasses: Tall grasses, such as miscanthus and pampas grass, can provide windbreaks for delphiniums and help to prevent them from toppling over.
  • Daylilies: Daylilies are another tall plant that can help to protect delphiniums from the wind. They also have similar growing conditions, so they can thrive in the same type of soil and sunlight.
  • Shasta daisies: Shasta daisies are a low-maintenance plant that can add a splash of color to your garden. They also bloom at the same time as delphiniums, so they can help to extend the flowering season.
  • Foxgloves: Foxgloves are another tall plant that can provide support for delphiniums. They also have similar flower colors, so they can create a beautiful and cohesive look in your garden.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea is a hardy perennial that can help to deter pests from delphiniums. It also has beautiful purple flowers that will bloom for several weeks.
  • Phlox: Phlox is a low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of color to your garden. It also blooms at the same time as delphiniums, so they can help to extend the flowering season.
  • Lungwort: Lungwort is a shade-loving plant that can help to fill in the spaces around delphiniums. It also has beautiful blue flowers that will bloom for several weeks.

How to Plant Companion Plants with Delphiniums

When planting companion plants with delphiniums, it is important to consider the size and growth habit of each plant. Tall plants, such as grasses and foxgloves, should be planted behind delphiniums, while shorter plants, such as shasta daisies and lungwort, can be planted in front.

It is also important to plant companion plants that have similar growing conditions. Delphiniums prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Make sure to choose companion plants that have the same or similar sunlight and soil requirements.

How to Care for Companion Plants with Delphiniums

Once your companion plants are in the ground, you will need to care for them just like you would any other plant in your garden. Water them regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. Fertilize them every few months with a balanced fertilizer. And deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms.


By planting companion plants with delphiniums, you can help to create a beautiful and healthy garden. Companion plants can help to protect delphiniums from pests and diseases, improve the drainage and soil quality around them, and extend the flowering season.

Delphiniums are beautiful, tall, and stately flowers that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. But did you know that they can also benefit from companion planting? Companion planting is the practice of planting certain plants together to create a mutually beneficial relationship. For delphiniums, some good companion plants include:

  • Shasta daisies. These cheerful flowers bloom at the same time as delphiniums and help to fill in the space around their tall stems. Gardenia Inspiration
  • Foxgloves. These two plants have similar flower shapes and colors, and they can be planted together to create a stunning display.
  • Echinacea. This spiky plant deters pests from delphiniums, and it also adds a touch of fall color to the garden.
  • Phlox. These fragrant flowers bloom in a variety of colors and can be planted in front of delphiniums to create a cascading effect.
  • Rudbeckia. These sunny flowers bring a touch of warmth to the garden and help to attract pollinators.

If you're looking for more information about companion planting for delphiniums, be sure to visit Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including a list of recommended companion plants, tips on how to plant them together, and information on the benefits of companion planting.

FAQ of companion plants for delphinium

Q: What are some good companion plants for delphiniums?

A: Delphiniums are tall, stately flowers that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. They prefer full sun and moist, well-drained soil. Some good companion plants for delphiniums include:

  • Shasta daisy: These cheerful flowers bloom at the same time as delphiniums and come in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, and pink. They help to fill in the space around delphiniums and add a splash of color. Image of Shasta daisy flower
  • Foxglove: These tall, bell-shaped flowers contrast beautifully with the star-shaped blooms of delphiniums. They also have similar growing requirements, so they make good companions. Image of Foxglove flower
  • Aquilegia: These delicate flowers have a unique, nodding appearance. They come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, and white. Aquilegias prefer moist soil, so they can help to keep delphiniums' roots from drying out. Image of Aquilegia flower
  • Geranium: These hardy flowers come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. They can tolerate a variety of conditions, so they are a good choice for companion plants for delphiniums, which can be susceptible to pests and diseases. Image of Geranium flower
  • Salvia: These fragrant flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, and pink. They attract pollinators, such as butterflies and bees, which can help to control pests in your garden. Image of Salvia flower

Q: What are the benefits of planting companion plants with delphiniums?

A: There are a number of benefits to planting companion plants with delphiniums. For example, companion plants can:

  • Attract pollinators: Pollinators, such as butterflies and bees, help to pollinate delphiniums, which results in more flowers.
  • Provide shade: Some companion plants, such as shasta daisies, can provide shade for the roots of delphiniums, which can help to prevent them from drying out.
  • Distract pests: Some companion plants, such as geraniums, can attract pests away from delphiniums.
  • Improve soil quality: Some companion plants, such as aquilegias, can help to improve the soil quality around delphiniums, which can make them healthier and more productive.

Q: What are some plants that should not be planted with delphiniums?

A: There are a few plants that should not be planted with delphiniums. These include:

  • Hostas: Hostas can attract slugs and snails, which can be a major pest for delphiniums. Image of Hosta plant
  • Peonies: Peonies can harbor pests and diseases that can also affect delphiniums. Image of Peony flower
  • Irises: Irises can compete with delphiniums for water and nutrients. Image of Iris flower
  • Daylilies: Daylilies can harbor pests and diseases that can also affect delphiniums. Image of Daylily flower
  • Buttercups: Buttercups can release toxins that can stunt the growth of delphiniums. Image of Buttercup flower

Q: When should I plant companion plants with delphiniums?

A: The best time to plant companion plants with delphiniums is in the spring or fall. This gives the plants time to establish themselves before the delphiniums start to bloom.

Q: How far apart should I plant companion plants with delphiniums?

The distance you should plant companion plants with delphiniums depends on the size of the plants. For example, you should plant smaller companion plants, such as shasta daisies, about 12 inches apart. Larger companion plants, such as foxgloves, should be planted about 24 inches apart.

Image of companion plants for delphinium

  • Peony: Peonies are tall, stately flowers that bloom in the springtime. They make a great companion plant for delphiniums because they have similar growing conditions and flower at the same time. Image of Peony and delphinium companion planting
  • Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemums are another type of tall, flowering plant that blooms in the fall. They come in a wide variety of colors, so you can find one to perfectly complement your delphiniums. Image of Chrysanthemum and delphinium companion planting
  • Aster: Asters are small, daisy-like flowers that bloom in the summer. They are a good choice for companion planting with delphiniums because they are not as tall and can help to fill in the space around the taller plants. Image of Aster and delphinium companion planting
  • Iris: Iris are beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, yellow, and white. They are a good companion plant for delphiniums because they have similar growing conditions and flower at the same time. Image of Iris and delphinium companion planting
  • Daylily: Daylilies are long-blooming flowers that can add color to your garden for months. They are a good choice for companion planting with delphiniums because they are not as tall and can help to fill in the space around the taller plants. Image of Daylily and delphinium companion planting

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