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Sod Fertilizer: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your New Lawn Off To A Healthy Start


Sod is a great way to get a beautiful, green lawn quickly. But in order for your sod to thrive, it needs to be fertilized properly. Fertilizer provides the essential nutrients that your sod needs to grow strong and healthy.

In this blog post, I will discuss the importance of fertilizing sod, the different types of fertilizer available, and how to apply fertilizer to your sod. I will also provide some tips for getting the most out of your sod fertilizer.

The Importance of Fertilizing Sod

Sod is a living plant, and like any other plant, it needs nutrients to grow. When you install sod, the roots are not yet well-established, so they are not able to absorb as many nutrients from the soil. This is why it is important to fertilize your sod regularly.

Fertilizer helps to promote healthy root growth, which in turn helps the sod to become more drought-tolerant and resistant to pests and diseases. It also helps the sod to stay green and healthy throughout the growing season.

Types of Sod Fertilizer

There are two main types of sod fertilizer: granular and liquid. Granular fertilizer is the most common type of fertilizer for sod. It is easy to apply and it is relatively inexpensive. Liquid fertilizer is also a good option for sod. It is more expensive than granular fertilizer, but it is easier to absorb by the sod.

How to Apply Sod Fertilizer

The best time to fertilize sod is in the spring or fall. This is when the sod is actively growing. You should fertilize your sod every 6-8 weeks during the growing season.

To apply granular fertilizer, spread it evenly over the surface of the sod. Be sure to water the fertilizer in well so that it can reach the roots of the sod.

To apply liquid fertilizer, mix it according to the directions on the label. Then, apply the fertilizer to the sod with a hose-end sprayer or a watering can.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Sod Fertilizer

  • Test your soil before you fertilize. This will help you to determine the type and amount of fertilizer that your sod needs.
  • Follow the directions on the fertilizer label. This will help to ensure that you are applying the correct amount of fertilizer.
  • Water the fertilizer in well after you apply it. This will help the fertilizer to reach the roots of the sod.
  • Fertilize your sod regularly. This will help to keep your sod healthy and green.


Fertilizing your sod is an important part of maintaining a healthy lawn. By following the tips in this blog post, you can ensure that your sod is getting the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Fertilizer is essential for helping sod establish its roots and grow strong. The best fertilizer for sod will depend on the type of grass you have, but a starter fertilizer with a 16-16-16 or 10-20-20 NPK ratio is a good place to start.

To learn more about sod fertilizer, visit Garden Wiki.

FAQ of sod fertilizer

  • What is sod fertilizer?

Sod fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that is specifically designed for newly laid sod. It contains the nutrients that new grass needs to establish its roots and start growing strong.

  • When should I apply sod fertilizer?

The best time to apply sod fertilizer is before you lay the sod. This will help the roots of the sod get a good start and will help prevent them from burning. You can also apply sod fertilizer after you lay the sod, but you should wait at least two weeks before doing so.

  • How much sod fertilizer should I use?

The amount of sod fertilizer you need to use will depend on the size of your lawn and the type of fertilizer you are using. A good rule of thumb is to apply 0.5 to 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet.

  • What kind of sod fertilizer should I use?

There are a variety of sod fertilizers available on the market. Some of the most common types include:

* Starter fertilizers: These fertilizers are specifically designed for newly laid sod and contain high levels of nitrogen.
* All-purpose fertilizers: These fertilizers can be used on established lawns as well as new sod. They contain a balanced mix of nutrients that will help your lawn stay healthy.
* Weed-and-feed fertilizers: These fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as herbicides that will help control weeds.
  • How do I apply sod fertilizer?

You can apply sod fertilizer by hand or with a broadcast spreader. If you are applying it by hand, be sure to wear gloves and spread the fertilizer evenly over the entire area of new sod. If you are using a broadcast spreader, set the spreader to the correct setting for the type of fertilizer you are using and walk back and forth across the area of new sod, overlapping your passes slightly.

  • What should I do after I apply sod fertilizer?

After you apply sod fertilizer, water the area thoroughly. This will help the fertilizer dissolve and reach the roots of the new grass.

Image of sod fertilizer

  • Image 1: A bag of Scotts Turf Builder Starter Fertilizer for Sod.
  • Image 2: A pile of Milorganite Long Lasting All Purpose Lawn Food 6-4-0, a popular organic fertilizer for sod.
  • Image 3: A lawn care professional spreading starter fertilizer on a newly laid sod lawn.
  • Image 4: A close-up of the granules of starter fertilizer.
  • Image 5: A sod lawn that has been fertilized and is starting to green up.
  • Image 6: A healthy, green sod lawn that has been well-fertilized.
  • Image 7: A sign at a garden center advertising starter fertilizer for sod.
  • Image 8: A website page with information about starter fertilizer for sod.
  • Image 9: A blog post about the benefits of using starter fertilizer for sod.
  • Image 10: A YouTube video demonstrating how to apply starter fertilizer to sod.

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